Check out selected articles relating to cannabis and its reported usefulness in managing cancer and its side-effects as referenced in both medical literature and patient reported outcomes.
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Curated Research
Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Patients With Cancer
Sawtelle, Lindsey; Holle, Lisa M.
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
Ann Pharmacother
OBJECTIVE: To review pharmacology, available dosag
Cannabis and Cannabis Edibles: A Review
Peng, Han; Shahidi, Fereidoon
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
J Agric Food Chem
Cannabis is an excellent natural source of fiber a
Medical Marijuana, Recreational Cannabis, and Cardiovascular Health: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
Page, Robert L.; Allen, Larry A.; Kloner, Robert A.; Carriker, Colin R.; Martel, Catherine; Morris, Alanna A.; Piano, Mariann R.; Rana, Jamal S.; Saucedo, Jorge F.; American Heart Association Clinical Pharmacology Committee and Heart Failure and Transplantation Committee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology; Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences; Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing; Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health; and Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research
Cannabis, or marijuana, has potential therapeutic
Patient-reported Outcomes
Cannabis Oil Success Stories
Squamous cell carcinoma
Initially removed surgically, recurred due to inadequate margins
Surgical removal of the carcinoma, with inadequate margins leading to recurrence
Effective, cancer completely resolved after the ap
Cannabis Health Radio
Hormone-driven (ER/PR positive, HER2 negative)
Improved prognosis with cannabis use
No recurrence or progression of cancer, uses cannabis for maintenance
Lumpectomy; refused chemotherapy and radiation
Reports clear mammograms, no explicit cancer-free
High-THC cannabis oil
High-THC cannabis oil used regularly
Cannabis Health Radio
Non-Hodgkin’s Burkitt Lymphoma
Six-inch tumor in the spine
Cannabis used for pain management
Turkey tail mushrooms
Chemotherapy (multiple types over sessions lasting up to 23 hours)
Cannabis significantly helped manage pain and side
Cannabis (500 mg THC every four hours)
Cannabis intake adjusted to every four hours
THC oil, various forms of FECO
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