Symptoms Cancer: Seizure
Symptoms Integrative Treatment: Dizziness, Drunk-like feeling (alleviated with water and deep breathing)
Intervention Conventional: Surgery
Intervention Integrative: Cannabis
Intervention Supplements: Essential minerals, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, bromelain, garlic extract, and curcumin
Intervention Diet: Changed diet, had lots of vegetables, including smoothies with blackberries and blueberries twice a day. Also soup broths with broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, carrots, onions, garlic, stevia, and pink Himalayan salt
Intervention Details: THC FECO, CBD oil
Intervention Application: Ingested
Intervention Dosage: 1.5 - 2 grams THC FECO/day, split into 3 doses. CBD oil only used after remission achieved for maintenance, and small doses of THC FECO at night
Intervention Results: Denied chemotherapy and radiation after surgery removed the glioma tumor. With THC FECO, CBD oil, diet change, and supplements, she was cancer free apparently within 1 year. At time of report, she had been clear for 5 years
Cancer Treatment Status: Success